🎉 Captain John Parker led 77 members of the Lexington militia into battle against 700 British regulars on April 19, 1775. The firefight that ensued, including the “first shot of the Revolution,” became the catalyst for the American Revolution. 🚩
While Parker’s Prelude was postponed due to bad weather, we couldn’t let Captain John Parker’s 295th Birthday go by without a little celebration! 🥳
A big thank you to the Lexington Minute Men, including our own Captain Parker Steve Cole, for being our #CalendarKeepers for the #CountdownTo250. They celebrated with cake and a song in honor of Captain Parker’s legacy. 🎂🎶
Join us in commemorating this pivotal moment in history and the enduring spirit of Lexington. 💙 #Lex250 #CaptainJohnParker #MinuteMen #AmericanRevolution #History #Community #FirstShot