Samuel Hadley: Born July 9, 1746, killed on the Green on April 19, 1775
In honor of the upcoming Parker’s Prelude celebrations, the Lex250 Commission would like to shed light on the eight brave men who fought for American independence and died on April 19, 1775, at the Battle of Lexington.
Samuel Hadley was only 28 years old when he was killed by British forces.
He was a member of Captain Parker’s company of Lexington militia and mustered on the Common on the morning of April, 19th.
Samuel’s parents were Thomas Hadley and Ruth Lawrence of Lexington. He was one of twelve children. The Hadleys were farmers and pioneers who raised livestock for wool and crops such as flax which they wove into fabric. They were active members in community life, were prominent in local religious activities and served in a variety of military groups. The Hadley family has given more than 125 years of service to Lexington as employees in the Fire, Building, School, and Public Works departments since 1775. Several 7th-generation direct descendants have been employed by the Town.
Samuel’s brother Ebenezer was a Sergeant in Captain Parker’s Company and was at the Battle of Lexington. His brothers Benjamin and Thomas also served during the American Revolution. Samuel’s cousin, Jonathan Hadley, was killed during the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Samuel, a farmer, was married to Betty Jones in 1771 and had three children; Lucy, Betty, and Samuel. All of his children were under the age of five years old when he died.
The Samuel Hadley Public Services Building on Bedford Street was named in his honor.
- Jensen, R., & Conley, L. (2008, June). American Revolution Biography about Samuel Hadley. The Lexington Minute Men. http://www.lexingtonminutemen.com/samuel-hadley.html
- Samuel Hadley Public Services Building. Lexingtonma.gov. (n.d.). https://lexingtonma.gov/488/New-DPW-Facility-Information#
- Samuel Hadley, 1746-1775. FamilySearch.org. (n.d.). https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/K832-PVX/samuel-hadley-1746-1775