The Lexington Historical Society and The Lex250 Commission are pleased to invite the public and members of the news media to the first-ever reenactment of the Marquis de Lafayette’s historic visit to Lexington in 1824.
Monday, Sept. 2 from 1-2 p.m.
Lexington Battle Green, Lexington
On Sept. 2, 1824, the Marquis de Lafayette returned to America for a triumphal anniversary visit, 50 years after his crucial assistance in America’s victory in the Revolutionary War. Upon his return to America, Lafayette made sure to visit Lexington, with a population of just 900 at the time, during his tour of 24 states, to honor the place where the war began.
To mark 200 years since the historic visit, the Town of Lexington will return to the Battle Green to mark the bicentennial of Lafayette’s remarkable tour and Lexington’s proud place in the events that established America. Using extensive research, the Lexington Historical Society has recreated the original program of the 1824 event. The General will be welcomed by the townspeople with bells ringing and cannons firing, followed by presentations by notable townsfolk of the period.
Lafayette and the American Revolution stand as two pillars of a new global era of liberty. The reenactment is expected to draw a crowd equal to or exceeding the size of the original festivities. It will be a community-wide effort, organized by the Lexington Historical Society and supported by the Town of Lexington and the Lex250 Commission.
If there is a potential for rain, visit lexingtonhistory.org for an announcement on a new location and time. Lafayette’s Return will still take place on September 2 if rain occurs.