Celebrate and observe the Native American community on Monday, Oct. 14 for Lexington’s first Indigenous Peoples’ Day event. Honor stories of both past and present with a Paint Mine Conservation Walk, performances by the Redhawk Singers and Dancers, and a Haudenosaunee Creation Storytelling with storyteller Tina Square.
9 A.M. — Paint Mine Conservation Walk: Estabrook School Parking Lot, 117 Grove St.
12 P.M. – 3 P.M. — Music, Dancing, Storytelling and Vendors: Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square
Performances from Redhawk Singers and Dancers, Haudenosaunee Creation Story with Storyteller Tina Square
Community members of all ages are welcome to attend this free event held at the Lexington Depot at 13 Depot Square.

Photo Credit: Ruth White Hawk Gonzales