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London Newspaper The Telegraph Names Lexington a Top Place People Must Visit Worldwide in 2025

LEXINGTON — The Lex250 Commission is proud to share that the Town of Lexington has been named one of the top 25 places worldwide that people must visit in 2025, according to The Telegraph’s annual list. 

The annual list names locations around the world “undiscovered by the mainstream traveler,” citing things to do, local attractions, and breathtaking views.

The town of Lexington was the only place in the United States that made the list.

“The first major campaign of the American Revolutionary War took place not at some grand battle site, but in the sedate town of Lexington, Massachusetts. The ‘shot that rang out across the world’ was discharged 250 years ago in April – and the locals are ready to celebrate,” wrote Linda Laban, the article’s author.

The article highlighted the upcoming 250th anniversary celebration of the Battle of Lexington, mentioned historical attractions, such as The Inn at Hastings Park and Minute Man National Historical Park, and suggested a Liberty Ride Trolley Tour throughout town.

With the now-international attention of the celebration, Laban wrote, “Expect a fanfare.”

“We are honored that the upcoming Patriots’ Day celebrations have caught the world’s attention, and are glad that our British friends can celebrate our nations’ histories 250 years after the war,” Lex250 Commission Chair Suzie Barry said. “We are thrilled to have an international audience in town, and we eagerly await April 19.”
